Hey guys,
Yesterday we’ve conducted the first Blockchain Developers Meetup and it went very well.
The topic was “Dark DAOs and On-chain vote buying”, inspired by concerning news of possibilities for arising Dark Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). So we’ve made our research, and found very interesting posts and proposals about it.
We’d like to thank all researchers and scientists that are looking very deeply into the matter, because this would have not been possible without their hard work.
The presentation was very interesting and we’ve covered the main key issues about it:
- What is a DAO?
- How does a DAO work?
- What is the difference between a DAO and a traditional top-down hierarchical company?
- Vote buying issues in the traditional in-face voting
- Voting on the blockchain — the issues it solves and the issues that occur using blockchain
- Possible attacks and vulnerabilities of voting conducted on the blockchain.
- Trusted hardware
- What is a Dark DAO and how it can be used for vote buying, manipulation and fraud?
We’ve recorded the session, so it’s available for later watching and for others that could not made it to be on time.
Watch the session here:
Also, here are the slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EN4RIqARuUrhkpoNJVo5u9QZnHRCC3vN/view
We’ve received good feedback, so we are planning on holding the next meetup later this month.
If you are interested in talking on some cool topic, or you want to propose some topic to be discussed — just drop us a line at events@hack.bg or write down a comment / reply.
Thank you all for joining and hope to see you again next time!
Also published on Medium.