hackCast – NFTs, Art & Blockchain

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Cover Image for hackCast – NFTs, Art & Blockchain

Hey guys, yesterday (Mar 1) our first hackCast took place on the Clubhouse app. 

For the first topic we selected – NFTs, Art & Blockchain as the most controversial, hyped, and twisted.

Our guest participants were Milen Radkov(Founder and CEO of hack – DLT & Blockchain Solutions) and Luka Sučić (Partner at Meta Change Capital)

Many Blockchain enthusiasts have attended the event and joined in the discussion, but for those of you who couldn’t attend or miss it – here is a brief summary of what we discussed, what questions we covered and some highlights.

We started by examining the NFTs applications in the real world. Gaming, Supply Chain, Music, and Art were some of the industries that were covered. 

“NFTs have a lot of uncovered potentials.

It was very interesting to follow different art movement, designers and digital creators, starting to embrace NFTs as a new way of monetazing their work as blockchain is becoming more accessible to a wider audience.”


We discussed the element of subjectivity in art and the value this new form of art brings with it.

“Well, basically, the NFT art market is just like the regular art market. If someone is willing to pay for a banana taped to a wall $120 000 then that is the price. The price covering the NFTs artworks is driven by the same mechanism as the regular – only a bit fancier”.


Some of the key moments were when discussing existential and pragmatic questions like how digital art is going to be presented to the world, how you will “hang it”  and how the trend should be set.

“We’re talking about virtual space where you hang it in the middle of your wallet. This is because the first thing somebody does is check out your wallet. Now you have the ability not only to hold crypto, but NFTs as well. Pretty cool, huh? So, it’s like inviting people to your house to see your artwork, but in your wallet.”


Or just imagine some virtual museum tours around digital art emerging out of this non-fungible tokens hype. One side, this form of presenting may appear difficult to grasp from the traditional art that we’re used to seeing. But from other perspective, it brings up a lot of new models that may emerge in business and masses as ways to present, cherish, store, value, and even understand art in general.”


The rest lies within your imagination 🙂

We debated about what is behind the hype and why it is so controversial. 

We concluded that every generation has something of its own. Now real artists can take advantage of the new forms and platforms that are emerging and allowing them to create, trade or invest in portfolios. Now, after several years of development, the user interfaces and the whole user journey and flow are smoother than it was once.

But still, there is a lot more to go and we think that’s also an important topic to be brought up.

Is this the optimal way to use NFTs? Or should it be more simple for people or users or regular non-tech people? For example, someone that is not technically advanced? Why shouldn’t they use NFT’s in digital arts or digital collectables of some sort? And what is the next big thing for NFTs? 

Those and more questions were on the agenda in our first hackCast. But we want to hear your opinion on the topic as well. Comment below or contact us if you have some interesting ideas you want to share.

We thank our first guests Milen and Luka for the interesting conversation and the friendly and congenial atmosphere they created.

We are looking forward to the next hackCast!

Stay tuned!

In This Article

    About the author:


    Silvia is an aspiring marketing creative and civil engineering graduate who believes simplicity and empathy are key to conveying the ideas around revolutionary technologies like blockchain. Excited about NFTs, DeFi, DAOs and anything that brings the power back to people through transparent and decentralized solutions. Always striving to break down complex topics into core components while bringing meaningful insights, she believes a well-crafted story can change a person’s life.

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